





Qld govt urged to release email report

Queensland’s former head record-keeper is calling for the release of a secret report into a minister’s email scandal as the state government faces a series of misconduct allegations.

Premier Annastacia Palaszczuk has thus far rejected calls for an integrity probe, saying relevant authorities are probing the complaints.

Integrity Commissioner Nikola Stepanov, who’s announced her resignation, claims a laptop was taken from her office and wiped, and that the government tried to have her sacked.

Former state archivist Mike Summerell says there was interference in his record-keeping role, potentially resulting in parliament being misled.

He’s also revealed that his confidential 2017 report into a scandal involving Transport Minister Mark Bailey using his private email accounts for official business still hasn’t been released.

“I considered the Minister Bailey investigation was one of significant public interest and that there would be an expectation that the report would be made public,” Mr Summerell told AAP in a statement.

The Crime and Corruption Commission cleared Mr Bailey of wrongdoing, but the former archivist said the government has been sitting on his report for more than four years.

Mr Summerell said the government should release the document to show that it still values integrity, transparency and accountability.

I call on the government to release the independent report on my investigation, as state archivist, into the allegations against Minister Bailey in full immediately,” he said.

“I believe it is now clearly in the public interest that the full report is made available to the Queensland public.”

Meanwhile, Dr Stepanov’s claim about the laptop is currently being investigated by the CCC, which is itself subject to a Commission of Inquiry into its functions and structure after its botched probe into Logan Council.

Meanwhile, the premier’s director-general Rachel Hunter has launched a third probe into Mr Summerell’s allegations of interference in his record-keeping role.

The terms of reference for that review were released on Friday, with the findings due by March 4.

Two independent watchdogs, the Liberal National Party, Katter’s Australian Party and the Greens are calling for a wide probe into government integrity.

Deputy Premier Steven Miles said the misconduct allegations were all being investigated properly, so there was no need for a wider inquiry.

Mr Miles also said most Queenslanders were more focused on the pandemic than the allegations.

“When I talk to folk, this is not what they raised with me,” the deputy premier said.

“They raised with me their concerns about what’s happening in aged care, their ability to get a rapid antigen test … they’re the things that folk out in my electorate are talking to me about.”

LNP Leader David Crisafulli said he was disappointed Mr Miles was trying to “trivialise” the allegations and Queenslanders were not comfortable with the situation.

He said it was part of a wider attempt to hide “systemic corruption raging through the government”.

Qld govt urged to release email report
Independent Information

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